Sunday, October 26, 2008

Walking In Daddy's Shoes

Ayden LOVES his Daddy and feels very strongly that whatever dad does he also needs to do. So when dad got his new snowmobile boots and was trying them on Ayden insisted that he too needed to put them on. He couldn't move his legs at all while in them but sure thought he was cool when they were on. He spent most of the rest of the night having us put them on and take them off.


Updates From The Outback said...

That's so cute! I can't believe how fast he is growing. Thanks for the picture!

Updates From The Outback said...

Grandpa Jim says: Nothing makes me happier than seeing how much Ayden loves everything about his daddy. Cherish each moment.

Arah Debra said...

He looks so proud! What a cutie!!

Lisa said...

Those boots would probably fit Ben. : )

Draper's said...

Congrats on your beautiful baby girl!! She is so cute!! I am glad Ayden adjusted well to the new baby. You have such a sweet family.