Sunday, October 26, 2008

Taste Of His Own Medicine!!!

Many of you know that Zeb talks in his sleep and that I have been startled awake on many occasions. Well, both of my kids have inherited this lovely trait from there dad. In fact the first time that I ever heard Ayden laugh it was while he was sleeping. So last night while I was up feeding Siarah I heard a high pitch, loud scream from Ayden. I had heard him making noise many times so I just figured that he was doing this in his sleep. Unfortunately for Zeb he was not so familiar with Ayden's sleeping habits. He was sleeping peacefully right beside him and woke up in horror. Thinking that something was wrong with him he quickly jumped up to make sure everything was okay and had not fallen out of bed or something. He soon realized that everything was fine and Ayden was sleeping peacefully. Finally! Now Zeb knows how I felt all those times. Needless to say I have been laughing about it all day.


Updates From The Outback said...

Sounds fair to me! mom

Updates From The Outback said...

Your father says: You should not laugh at your husband, who was acting out of great concern for one of my grandchildren. Just for that, you need to let him take Ayden with him the next time he goes snowmobiling.

Arah Debra said...

Why do I see so much humor in that? I think it's something in our DNA :-)

Lisa said...

I hate when people talk in their sleep, so freaky!