This is a family picture of my dad when he was younger. He is the Second on the bottom right. When I saw it I thought it was crazy how much he looks like my son Ayden. The only differance is there haircuts and Ayden is smiling.
I decided it would be a good Idea to get family pictures around the time that Zac was 3 months, because all the kids had grown so much, and I wanted to get pictures of all of them. Siarah decided that she was going to be as grumpy and mean as possible. She mad it nearly imposible to get one picture of her smiling. Luckily she is so cute that it did not matter much. Right after pictures we went to eat and she was the happiest little goofball ever. My kids have such strong personalities!
WOW, it has been a really long time since I have updated my blog! Doubt anyone is even following it any more. Lots has happened since the last update so I will try to catch up.
I had my third baby (Zachery Ross) on Febuary 3rd of 2010. I made the decision to be induced because I live 30 minutes from the nearest hospital, and I dont feel my contractions till I am a 7 or 8, needless to say that I had no desire to have my baby in the car. It is a good thing that I made that decision because when I hit an 8 at the hospital I was ready to push within 2 minutes and then the baby was out in 10 minutes. He was a Heathy baby boy at 7 lb and 19 inches.
Fortunitly for me I have a wonderful Mom that only lives 10 minutes away. She was over at my house everyday, all day for a month helping me out. Cooking, Cleaning, and helping with the kids. I can't tell you how greatfull I am for my amazing parents.